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Allergy Friendly Foods for Everyone

Mar 09, 2024

Prepare to have your expectations of baked goods transformed by a bakery located in the heart of Garvagh. Cultured Bakehouse stands out, offering a welcoming space for individuals with various dietary needs, including allergies and restrictions. 

This unique bakery comes from the heart and expertise of Zilka Gerritsen, a dedicated homeschooling mother of five on a mission to serve everyone. Zilka’s philosophy is clear: she aims to bring people together by offering foods that are not only delicious but also safe and healthy for everyone, regardless of their dietary requirements.

Originally from Venezuela, Zilka has been a part of the Garvagh community for over a year, embracing its residents with open arms. She is committed to ensuring that everyone can enjoy delectable, wholesome treats without worry, no matter their dietary restrictions. What truly sets Cultured Bakehouse apart is its commitment to inclusivity. It caters to various nutritional needs, such as vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, and many more. Each product is carefully made in a dedicated facility, emphasising the importance of safety and quality.

Cultured Bakehouse is proud to be the only bakery in Northern Ireland specialising in fully customised, allergy-friendly baked goods. Zilka’s passion for baking and understanding of the importance of food safety, especially for families with dietary concerns, drive her to produce delicious but also comforting and reassuring treats. The bakery’s range includes everything from cupcakes and sourdough bread to cookies, cakes, and pavlovas, ensuring there’s something for every taste.
But it’s not just about the baked goods; it’s about the personal touch. 

Zilka takes the time to understand her customers’ needs and preferences, ensuring each order is crafted with utmost care. Cultured Bakehouse is deeply connected to the local community of Garvagh, a town known for its scenic beauty and warm residents. 

Zilka prioritises sourcing the finest local, organic, or predominantly organic ingredients, supporting local artisans, and minimising her business's environmental impact.

For those who value food made with love and care and tailored to individual dietary needs, Cultured Bakehouse is a must-visit. Explore their offerings and place your order at Cultured Bakehouse. It’s not just about the food; it’s about the joy, laughter, and memorable moments that come from sharing great meals, knowing that your dietary needs aren’t just met but celebrated.


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