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Farming Sustainably

Mar 28, 2024

Broglasco Farm has been in the Kane Family for over 100 years, and the farm has very much moved with the times, but Richard (7th generation farmer) and Leona very much appreciate what the generations before them have done and how they can maintain their farm for the generations who come behind them. Their ethos and legacy will be to promote the environment, alongside positive farming, whilst creating a living from it.

Richard and Leona have been working hard for a long number of years to comply with the Countryside Management Scheme. Their farm is completely arable with no animals apart from an array of pets. They have always been keen to work with the RSPB, Wildlife Societies, Bee Associations, Slow Food Movement and promote wildlife and pollinators along with the farm.

They have installed solar panels in their farm to generate renewable energy powering the pressing room and drying sheds.

Each year they plant wildflowers around the margins of the fields to provide shelter and food for important pollinators including bees, which play a vital part in supporting the ecosystem. A keen beekeeper, Leona's honeybees play an important role for plants and crops. Food crops depend on insects to move pollen between their flowers.

Reducing waste: The by product called cake from the Kane's liquid gold goes to a local mill and local farmers to mix with their feed for extra protein. Straw is used for bedding for cattle and horses.

Richard has been a pioneer in pushing the Mintel style of farming, they don’t plough their land meaning that the soil bed is untouched retaining the carbon in the soil and not releasing it into the atmosphere. They use liquid fertilisers so that they are not being sprayed but put directly on each seed, this is a much more efficient and environmentally friendly way to farm. They use a range of crops for rotation and swap crops around fields which helps to add nutrients to the soil keeping it fertile.

The Kane family look forward to welcoming you to their farm. If you wish to book a tour, please ensure that you contact them before arriving. This is a working farm and at some stages they will not be able to open to the public due to farm safety.

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